Metis Receives HIRE Vets Medallion Third Year In a Row

Metis is proud to announce the award of the HIRE Vets Platinum Medallion for a medium-sized company. Metis is one of only 58 companies across the United States to receive a HIRE VETS award three years in a row and every year since its inception. Metis takes great pride in its veteran workforce.

“As a retired veteran, this award is close to my heart. Our veterans bring something special to our organization fostering teamwork, professionalism, and leadership,” said Jennifer Paulik, Metis Executive Director of Human Resources.  “I take great pride in helping veterans move on to the next chapter of their lives and support their success.”

Metis was honored for having multiple initiatives that attract, retain, and benefit veterans. The company has hired veterans with wartime service ranging from the Vietnam war up to the most recent Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan). Veterans programs developed by Metis include a Veteran Information Group, a Veteran Leadership, and Mentorship Program and additional education reimbursement dollars for Veterans taking courses that support career growth and qualifications for management and leadership positions.

hire vets award 2020

HIRE Vets Medallion Award

Metis received the HIRE Vets Platinum Medallion Award for medium-sized companies, which is the only federal-level veterans’ employment award that recognizes a company or organization’s commitment to veteran hiring, retention, and professional development. The program was established by the U.S. Government Secretary of Labor in 2017. Metis received the Gold Medallion in 2018 and the Platinum Medallion in 2019 and 2020.  

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